

Good Morning Exercise

Get moving with an early fitness routine

Warmer weather, blooming flowers, and longer daylight make spring the perfect time to shake off those winter blues and get moving. We've all heard that regular exercise helps increase energy levels, relieve stress, manage weight, and prevent disease, but many of us find it hard to fit exercise into our busy schedules. Although physical activity at any time is beneficial, experts have found that people who exercise in the morning are more successful in making it a habit.

Morning exercise plans are less likely to be interrupted by events that come up during the day. The keys to success are planning ahead and staying motivated. Here are some tips to help you establish a morning routine that you can stick with.

Plan Ahead

  • Make exercise part of your daily routine and write it on your calendar.
  • Decide when and where you will exercise. You may use home equipment or walk around your neighborhood. Most parks open at sunrise and many gyms have early morning hours.
  • Set out your clothes the night before so you can get up and go!

Stay Motivated

  • Find a physical-activity buddy such as a friend, family member, or personal trainer. Join an exercise group or class. You're more likely to get up early if you know that someone is planning to meet you.
  • Listen to music or an audio book, or watch television while you exercise. If you have an iPod, download a motivational or instructional podcast to accompany your workout.

As always, be sure to consult your health care professional before beginning any physical-activity program. With a little preparation, you'll be on your way to a great start to your day and to even better health!